Terms of Use

The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Or “TSW2NDEJ”) and its departments and ministries provide this service to you with the following notices, terms and conditions.

Copyright Notice

All web site design, text, graphics, layout and content contained in this web site are copyright 2022 The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and protected by USA, and international copyright laws. All rights reserved. Many requested uses are permitted by this policy, but if your intended use of the contents of this and affiliated web sites are NOT expressly permitted herein, you may not: Reproduce, upload, post, transmit, download or distribute any content, “mirror” or include this information on your own server or in your own documents; or modify or reuse the text or graphics on any of these web sites without the written permission of the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. 

You may print copies of the material for incidental Ministry and personal use; or store the files on a computer for Ministry or personal use. No content may be sold or used for any commercial purpose. Any printed copy must include copyright information.

You may link to content on tsw2ndej.org, provided you follow our linking policy found below under “Linking Policy.” Any other use of (TSW2NDEJ) materials from this web site–including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, transmission, display or republication-without the prior written permission of the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is strictly prohibited. For more information, please contact us.


(TSW2NDEJ) graphics and logos may not be used in connection with any product or service that in any manner misrepresents, disparages, or discredits the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.

Use of tsw2ndej.org

This web site or any portion of tsw2ndej.org may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted by the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.


“tsw2ndej.org” is provided by the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction on an “as is” basis. The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of “tsw2ndej.org” or the information, content or materials included on “tsw2ndej.org.” The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of “tsw2ndej.org,” including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.

Applicable Law

tsw2ndej.org is created and controlled by the 1310 Faulkner Lane, Waco, Texas 76704., Country, USA. As such, the laws of the San Antonio, Texas will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. We reserve the right to make changes to tsw2ndej.org and these disclaimers, terms and conditions at any time.

Linking Policy

This web site may be linked to or from other web sites that are not operated by the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, or any affiliates. The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these third party web sites. This web site may also be linked to web sites operated by organizations affiliated with the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Visitors to those web sites should refer to their separate privacy policies and practices. To request that a link be included from the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Locator in our Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction web site, please see below under “Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Locator.”

The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction provides references to and links for a variety of resources that may be of interest to those visiting our site. However, no inference or assumption should be made that we specifically endorse, sponsor or support the content of those publications, ministries and websites, nor should it be inferred that The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is connected with, operates or controls any linked websites.

Those desiring further information regarding the tenets of the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is invited to view the (TSW2NDEJ) Declaration of Faith.

(TSW2NDEJ) Locator

Any information found in the “(TSW2NDEJ) Locator” is the official information in the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. The information found in the (TSW2NDEJ) locator comes directly from the current Texas, (TSW2NDEJ) records in the (TSW2NDEJ) database. If you find the information displayed in the (TSW2NDEJ) Locator for our Church to be inaccurate or to contain outdated information; or if you need to add, update or edit any information about our Church as listed in the (TSW2NDEJ) Locator immediately, please contact the (TSW2NDEJ) Church Office. This form should be submitted by the Church,  Administrator of the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction requesting these changes only.

(TSW2NDEJ) Logo and Art Usage

The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction grant a non-exclusive license to official (TSW2NDEJ) Ministries to use the (TSW2NDEJ) and (TSW2NDEJ) logo and artwork for affiliation and promotional purposes only. The use of the (TSW2NDEJ) and (TSW2NDEJ) logo for commercial purposes, or for use for any other event or purpose is not authorized.