Privacy Policy

As the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not give, sell, rent or loan any identifiable information regarding visitors to any third party. By using, you agree to the Privacy Policy of the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. The term “” refers to the web sites under the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Or “(TSW2NDEJ)” headquarters, and the department and ministry web sites hosted there. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use

The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction review its Privacy Policy periodically and reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. This Privacy Policy applies to all web sites produced and maintained by the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.

If you want to communicate with us regarding our Privacy Policy, please e-mail us, or write us at: Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, 1310 Faulkner Lane, Waco, Texas 76704, Contact email:

Collection and Use

The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction recognizes the privacy concerns of users of and the importance of protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information collected from them. As a general policy, no personally identifiable information, such as a visitor’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, or credit card information is automatically collected on our web site. Such information is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted, and the Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction uses such information only for the purpose for which it was submitted, unless we disclose other uses in this policy or at the time of collection.

We maintain reasonable and appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity, and privacy of such information in our possession. The Texas Southwest 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction does not sell, trade or rent personally identifiable information to third parties. We reserve the right to monitor traffic patterns and web site usage.


When submitting sensitive data like credit card information, we use 128-bit secure server technology to protect the information. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts the information you input before you send it to us. All of the data is protected against unauthorized access, as indicated by the secure icon on your browser.


“Cookies” are files that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information about a user. They enable us to provide customized features to enhance your visit to the web site. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent that. Users should consult their browser help files for instructions on how to refuse cookies.

Policy Updates

From time to time, (TSW2NDEJ) will review this policy and may be revise it. When we do, we will also revise the “last updated” date at the top of the privacy statement. For material changes to this statement, (TSW2NDEJ) will notify you by placing a prominent notice on our Web site.

Questions and contact

If you would like further information about the way (TSW2NDEJ) manages the personal information it holds OR would like access to your personal information held by (TSW2NDEJ) please contact our Privacy Officer by email: or by postal mail:

1310 Faulkner Lane, Waco, Texas 76704